Sunday 17 December 2006

All I want for Christmas

Well nearly all the presents are now bought, wrapped and under the tree. Only trivial ones to go - just those for me and Michaela. Somehow the kids can live with that uncertainty.

Meanwhile Alex's teeth are finally starting to fall out. He's been getting a bit frustrated that most of his mates have been losing theirs for a while, and several friends now dazzle you with two huge top front teeth every time they smile.

No amount of rationalising from us or the dentist seems to convince him that he's better off hanging on to his milk teeth a bit longer.

But now they are starting to escape. In fact every time I look at him he seems to be worrying the latest loose one, whatever else it is that he's doing at the same time - reading a book, eating his tea, playing a video game, they're all accompanied by that relentless fiddling and jiggling.

I guess I shouldn't complain - I'd be more bothered if his attention and finger were forever heading up his nose.

He has successfully helped out the front two at the bottom, and the top two are showing signs of giving up too. In fact one of them will definitely be out before the big day. It's hanging on by just a thread, albeit a rather red and sensitive one when I rashly offered to pull it just now.

So it looks like the photos this Christmas will be the ones with the gappy grin. He's already mastering the Mona Lisa with dangling tooth look, which he rather likes.

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