Thursday, 14 December 2006

Straight in at Number One

Well this little old blog has certainly hit the ground running. Only a week in and already the comments are coming in fast and furious, quicker even than I can make posts. A new media sensation is born.

Which limp blustering hides the fact that I only started this blog one week ago, and already I've had a week without a post. It's not for want of things to say, oh no; in fact I've had at least two or three interesting thoughts in that time, but sadly ne'er a moment to sit down, reflect and type 'em down.

And therein lies the dilemma, I fear. Am I condemned to only ever post when I'm not doing something interesting? Well, if so, here's hoping that one post a week is the most I ever manage.

One of the highlights of last week was Antonia's Christmas concert. She was of course the most talented child on stage by far. Actually, I did notice that her class were one of the few to approach something resembling coordination in their dance routines. When a dance basically involves leaning left, then leaning right, then leaning left, then leaning right, etc etc to a simple 4:4 beat, how is it possible to have fifteen kids moving in at least ten different directions at once? But not Antonia's class, who danced in rings and swirled around in circles beautifully. Apart from the couple of lost souls who just forgot everything they'd been practising over the last few weeks, and defaulted to standing still and staring blankly out into the darkness where a hundred video camera red lights flashed silently back at them.

This year Antonia's part was Snowflake #9. Remarkable lack of hissy fits about that (from her, if not from her Mum), given that last year in Nursery class she starred as the eponymous heroine of that modern masterpiece "Whoops-a-Daisy Angel". (To be fair - if only this one time - she was in fact remarkably confident and charming in the role.) Mind you, after sitting through this year's Nursery class performing the same thing, she merely shrugged and said "Of course it was sooooo much better last year." So a little thespian blood clearly does run in her veins, after all.

Photos to follow. Probably.

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